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Bedtime Routines Can Be Stressful!!

What's your nightly routine look like with your kids? I used to get lost in the hustle of getting my daughter bathed, teeth brushed, and in the bed. Some nights it worked on my nerves because she is usually full of energy at bedtime, and I would become impatient with the amount of time this process took.

Recently I've become more intentional with the bedtime routine. My wife and I get her bathed, teeth brushed, and story time together. This process typically takes about 30 minutes some nights, and an hour other nights. I've really been working on my patience and just tell myself, it takes as long as it takes, and there is nothing more important than being right here, present in this moment.

I also like to ask her 3 questions to keep sharp, and try to foster some connection with her right before bed.

1) What was the favorite/most exciting part of your day?

This question allows her to think about the day and reflect in the positive moments. She gets to walk me through the highlights.

2) What was the least favorite part of your day? Why?

This question gets her thinking about a challenge she may have had during the day, and allows me the chance to offer her support. She knows I hear her, and want to guide her through her challanges.

3) What are you most looking forward to tomorrow?

This questions brings the conversation back around from discussing a challenge, as done above and gets her back into a positive mindset and outlook on the day ahead. This is usually the last thing we talk about before bed, unless it's reading a couple of books.

Reflect on your bedtime routine with your children. Is it stressful? Is there a way you could make it less stressful and be more present and intentional?

1 comment

  • Daven

    This. Right. Here. This blog post nailed it right on the head for me. Thanks for that!

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