75 Hard, Andy Frisella -

My 75 Hard Story

On November 9, 2020, I decided it was time to make a change in my life. I was tired of being overweight and tired all the time, running out of breath just playing with my daughter. I knew I was overweight, but lacked the mental fortitude to do anything about it. I knew I was no longer the man my wife fell in love with 17 years ago, that was weighing on me. My patience was thin, my waist was not! My stress was high, and my mind was weak. Most of the time I was able to force a smile that everyone was used to seeing on me, but it wasn't genuine, most days.


On November 9th, I decided to do something about it. I had heard a lot about a program that sounded interesting to me, but one I never thought I would be able to endure. That program is called 75 Hard, by Andy Frisella. For some reason this program kept me accountable and I really started enjoying it after the first couple of grueling weeks. 


The program consists of the following. You must complete each task every day for 75 days straight, if you miss just one thing, you must start over at day 1.

1. Pick a diet and stick to it.

2. (2) 45 Minute workouts per day, 1 of them must be outside.

3. Reach 10 pages of a professional or personal development book

4. Drink 1 gallon of water

5. Take a progress picture

6. No alcohol

7. No cheat meals


I started this program as a way to lose some weight, but it quickly turned into much more. I hadn't taken the time to read a book since college; during the program, I read 9 books! My mind was the sharpest it's been in quite some time, I achieved a weight that I haven't seen since college, and my patience was dramatically increased. I felt amazing and much happier looking into the mirror. I had total confidence in the results and my lifestyle change. I'm still not where I want to be in my fitness journey, but I'm getting there one day at a time!


At the end of 75 Hard, I was down 40 lbs, and had lost 4" off my waist. My energy was up, and my genuine happiness had been restored! I can't express enough gratitude for Andy Frisella and his program for helping me get out of the drift and back into control of my life!


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